Archive for February, 2011

Update… or not

Posted: February 28, 2011 in News

It’s been a while, lots of silence and all that, so I thought it best if I give a little bit of an update on where we are with certain things. Essentially there’s nothing much to report; the start of 2011 was a bit of an upheaval on a personal level for reasons you don’t need to read about, so where are the books you promised us I hear you cry?
Kultus is still due for a November release. Word is the official launch will be at this year’s FantasyCon in Brighton between September 30th and October 2nd, so if you’re going I’ll see you there. There’ll be lots of fantasy goings on, I’m sure, but clearly one of the highlights will be me signing copies of my first novel, so pop along, see my happy smiling face and BUY ONE!
Knight Panther has been delayed from the originally touted release date, so now it’ll be out some time during Q2/3 of this year. Still can’t give out any details but Black Library fans should prepare to have their socks blown off by its awesomeness.
On other book related news, I’ve just signed a contract with a literary agent for another novel wot I wrote a year or so ago. It’s called Lion Rampant and it’s a straight-up heroic fantasy. I’ve just finished draft 2 and my agent will be touting it to publishers very soon, so fingers crossed there.
That’s all I’ve got for now that’s worth mentioning, but as soon as I’ve got news, you’ll have news!